The Cloud Native Days in Romania are organized by a dedicated committee who are passionate about bringing people together and fostering a sense of community. Our goal is to provide a platform for like-minded individuals from all levels and backgrounds that is dedicated to learning, growth, and diversity.
Wouter Ligtenberg
Senior Engineering Manager at INGLinkedInVlad Fratila
Platform Engineer at UpsiderLinkedInRomina Druta
Senior Infrastructure Engineer at VismaLinkedInVictor Varza
TechLead at AdobeLinkedInElif Samedin
DevOps ConsultantLinkedInCatalin Jora
Cloud Consultant at FikaWorksLinkedInIon Meitoiu
Devops Engineer at AdobeLinkedInAndrei Pietricica
DevOps Engineer at INGLinkedInBogdan Lucaciu
CTO at Adore MeLinkedInDoriana Simandan
Marketing Lead at VismaLinkedInBetty Halasz
Junior Content Creator at VismaLinkedInAndrei Cioc
Software Engineer at dvloper.ioLinkedInRadu Zamfir
DevOps ConsultantLinkedInGeorge Tudurean
Software Engineer at dvloper.ioLinkedIn